Starry Sky Checkin-Challenge

IAU(International Astronomy Union)recommended project

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Event Description

Welcome to the "Starry Sky Check-in Challenge"! Embark on this cosmic adventure by grabbing your camera and capturing the mystery and beauty of the night sky through your lens. No matter where you are, as long as you look up and photograph the unique starlight, you can become part of this extraordinary journey. Let's set off on a marvelous quest to converse with the stars, feel the infinite charm of the universe, and discover endless surprises and inspiration!

The Starry Sky Check-in Challenge is an astronomy learning initiative designed by Youth Astronomy Teachers Link(YATL) in response to the United Nations Development Program's call and within the framework of the International astronomy Union's Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD). This activity is dedicated to utilizing the resource of the night sky to illuminate the prospects of education and development in economically disadvantaged areas. The program has been recommended by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).